Donny's Bar i Jamestown

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Seafront, STHL 1ZZ, Jamestown, Jamestown, SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Kontakter telefon: +290 22947
Latitude: -15.9246036, Longitude: -5.7191348
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Kommentar 5

  • David Rosado

    David Rosado


    I was told Ibiza, but somehow caught the wrong plane and 18 hrs later I arrived here. Question is, did all these folks take the wrong flight too?

  • MrKevinkins



    Once I visit every other bar in the world, I might as well try this one now that commercial fights are available. See you all soon.

  • DocJhani Doghouse

    DocJhani Doghouse


    Made a wrong turn at Bai-a-Farta and ended up here. Local custom dictates exfoliation before being served, fortunately it counts as gratuity. Try the house specialty Dirty Martini. The volcanic soil gives it an extra zing! Unlikely site for a strip club, dancers make more selling timeshares. Girls and condos both well maintained. I will return. ( I left my sunglasses)

  • Matthew Moore

    Matthew Moore


    Donny's Bar the Place to be on a Friday and Saturday night when you want to blow off some steam but be warned this island bites ! if you don''t treat it right it is safer to walk home after a few , The police will stand out side and wait for you and if you had a few and have your keys in your pocket they will lock you up for a tempted driving also keep your shirt on they only advertise it as a tropical island but in fact its not foreigners are always targeted by the locals and that's why we are always welcome to st Helena

  • Aleksandrs Barsamovs

    Aleksandrs Barsamovs


    Ordered a pint, got it only after a week. It travelled from UK they said. But it was so tasty

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