Museum of Saint Helena i Jamestown

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Jamestown STHL 1ZZ, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Kontakter telefon: +290 2845
Latitude: -15.9250111, Longitude: -5.7186708
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Kommentar 5

  • N30NN



    Bad i dont like it no people

  • H. Gilbert Smith

    H. Gilbert Smith


    A small collection, but a great look into the fascinating history of St. Helena.

  • Guy Fieri Is My Hero

    Guy Fieri Is My Hero


    10/10 would exile dictators here again

  • Philip Barnes

    Philip Barnes


    A surprisingly well presented local museum. A lot after time and effort has been put into the collection. A great starting point for visiting tourists.

  • Matthew Moore

    Matthew Moore


    As my father always said History is learned threw ruins of our past, And i never understood his saying till now i went to the Museum in James town, you cant miss it it is truly a remarkable building with cannons laying on the out side and on the inside all wood all original wood from the 1800 Beautifully preserved with relics from the Napoleon Era to the South-African and English war, Prisoners of war Photos and relics truly a Beautifully Museum that faces the Jacobs Ladder with 699 steps to the summit i would advice anyone that visits the Island to put the Museum on there list of places to visit and if you dare to tempt the ladder and get your Certificate

Nærmeste Museum:

St. James Church

Church Lane, Jamestown
museumLæs mere

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